Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The art of tokenism...

How silly our netas can get....their latest fad is 'austerity' they dont plan to go out into the forest and live on berries or fast till they get enlightenment...this is about cutting governmental expenditure...and what do they economy instead of business class..and what does the neta in waiting do...takes a train and eats with the hoi nice for some media coverage...when will they ever learn that such eyewash does not cut any ice with most people.

A better austerity measure will be not to travel at all and to close down parliament indefinitely...nothing anyway happens there...there are umpteen issues which are far more serious and cry for attention than silly gestures like flying economy...but are we silly to expect more from our netas

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Non issues

We have become a society in which trivial non-issues are hyped to become issues of channels and media contribute significantly to this since real issues have stopped being relevant...mind boggling corruption, governmental apathy to real probles facing water, transport, law and order....are just not relevant is beyond anybody to even think about this leave alone talk about them...hence trivial non-issues are hyped...
A party leader, with no real following or demonstrated capability writes a book on Jinnah...we are told that he praises Jinnah and says he is not responsible for the partition of India. And we are also told that the author says Jinnah was secular (whatever that means). How ihave become s this important 60 years after the event, when Pakistan is a reality and a nusiance. Whether Jinnah was responsbile or someone else was does not make any difference. But the book has created such a ruckus, the author is dismissed from the party and possibly he is laughing all the way to the bank.
Chennai or Madras celebrated 370 years of its founding. Cities are taking great pride in celebrating their founding...does not matter that they have become vast unorganized slums with most people lacking basic amenities. It has been determined that sometime in August 370 years ago an englishman got a concession to start trading operations on a small piece of land on the beach. This is supposed to have been the beginning of Chennai. Does not matter that places like Mylapore, Thiruvottiyur, Thiruvanmiyur all coastal villages and now integrated into Chennai have a long history and existed before the englishman landed. For us history starts only when the english landed...