Saturday, May 16, 2009

Return of the families..

Chapter 2 has turned out to be rather tame. Not much scope for the sordid shenanigans of our elected representatives when they did not mind which bed they got into as long the payoff was good. We have been spared this bedside spectacle. The election results were rather surprising - from being 'well hung' as was predicted to being only 'lightly hung'. However News channels, as is their wont, call this a 'sweeping victory', 'thumping victory' , 'people's verdict' etc for the Congress party and its allies. When the combine is still short of simple majority and has only the firm possibility of forming the government but still needs some help, one wonders how thumping the victory is.

When about 60% of the voters exercise their vote, and of which a party gets about 40% and manages to win more seats than the others and forms a government, it only means about 24% of the people voted for the party. But we are led to believe that the people have made a decisive choice and leaders thump their chests and thank the people for their sagacity.

However THE family and other associate families in our political firmament will now have a free run for the next five years.

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