Sunday, October 11, 2009


When one reflects on tokenism we find this lack of sincerity everywhere...everyone wants to appear what he or she is not...there is a singular lack of conviction in what many of us do or say....the netas have really cultivated this to the level of an art....hypocrisy and tokenism are their mainstays and there is no sense of shame. Neta in waiting and other wannabe netas are all queing up at the houses of poor to partake meals and theorize on what is wrong...when the truth is staring in their government has cared for the poor and the marginalized people of our land..they are netas today because they are the very people who subvert the schemes and leach on the government. It is a pathetic situtation which is unfolding....netas offspring become netas on the strength of their money and muscle power carving out kingdoms and areas of influence for themselves...where does it leave the common man...just nowhere..and things can only become worse.

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